Our trip started at 4 am when Simon woke up for his next feed. After I fed and changed him, we got him packed in the carseat and got all our gear loaded in the car and decided since we didn't know how many times we would have to stop along the way, we decided to leave and try to catch the 10 am ferry. We were on our way at 5 am and drove almost halfway before Simon needed a change and to eat. It was pretty comical watching PP change Simon's diaper in the front seat of our car, with me waiting in the back seat to feed him. We got to the ferry with over an hour to spare so I fed Simon again and we waited. Simon was such a good baby the whole drive to the ferry and for the entire ferry ride.
The next day was the baby shower. All of Simon's great aunts and cousins were
We decided to stay an extra day just so we could visit some more with PP's parents. It was nice being able to hand Simon over to his grandma or grandpa when I needed a break. And there must be something about grandma's house that Simon likes because from the moment we got there, he started sleeping long stretches at night. Before we left, he would wake up every 2 hours to eat, and since then he has slept at least 5 hours going up to 8 hours before needed to eat again at night. Needless to say, we've all been a lot happier now that we're getting decent rest at night!!
A few more pictures from the shower.
All dressed up for the party. Wearing an outfit that we bought him when we found out we were
Wearing a hat that grandma got him as a shower gift. He's trying to smile at PP in this picture
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