Tuesday, December 18, 2007

7w2d-First midwife appointment

We had our first midwife appointment today!  It lasted about an hour and we got homework to do for the next visit which I think is pretty cool.  She talked to us about our family history, took my weight and bp and then sent me for some blood work upstairs.  We won't be getting an ultrasound until 18 weeks at the earliest which is sometime in March I think.  She advised us that we should hold off telling people until our next appointment just because of the risk of miscarriage and we have agreed to wait until then at least.  

Next appointment is on January 15 and she'll try to hear the heartbeat and then do a physical exam.  Luckily her office is right behind where ProudPoppa works so he can come and see if we can hear the heartbeat and then he can go back to work so she can do the physical.  Before then, we have to go through our homework sheet and then write down 3 days worth of average meals so she can see how healthy we eat.  That part I'm not looking forward to lol.  

Otherwise, I'm feeling great!  No real morning sickness to report, I had some moments of gagging here and there but nothing to complain about.  Hoping it stays that way through to the 2nd trimester.

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